Friday, June 30, 2017


Remember me talking about possibly getting a story from the setting on the island I visited earlier this week? (See the last post!)

Photo: Another shot on the southern end of Limelon Island. 

Well, at least three themes were running through my mind for the past couple of days.
One broke through in a surprising way this morning – just as I got out of bed.
It took me about 30 minutes to type three pages of notes, particularly a synopsis-like note.
The meat of the story, the main plot and main characters are all noted. I will only need to flesh out the story when I feel the time is right.
The reason why I got the synopsis done up is because while the ideas are fresh in my mind, I must capture them on a page or in a word document before they disappear. (I have discussed this numerous times in the past.)
In fact, as I was taking a walk this afternoon, more ideas came and I will need to write them in a notebook to later develop them.  

NOTE: Do note one thing. In creative fiction, the main elements include the plot, the characters, the setting (time and location) and theme, among others.
I started with the setting. I went there and tried to get the story. Interestingly, the story did not come to me there. It came to me days later.
Most writers write about a theme and plot and later try to place the story in a setting.
The point is, there is no single way to start a story. You can start with a character and decide to place him/her in a setting and develop the story from there.
But whatever you do, ensure that the main elements of creative fiction are developed as well as you can as you start fleshing out the story.

The downside of the work is I am feeling unwell. But that is normal - because getting into a good story is hard work. It would sap you off your strength. Beware!  



Photo: Beach on Limelon Island in Kavieng, PNG. 

My stuff on the sand at the south-eastern end of Limelon Island in Kavieng, New Ireland, on Tuesday.
It is about 20 minutes out of Kavieng town by banana boat.
I spent half the day there taking in the atmosphere and tranquility. I learnt stuff too by talking with the locals and people who live there.
As I said last time, this could be the setting of another creative fiction stuff. I love the place and may do some other creative stuff there in the future.
I was told by the person who runs the place that I am welcome there anytime. In fact, while chatting with him, he gave me ideas and asked me for ideas too about stuff – including the need for quality education.

We will see how things go!